Month: June 2022


Flavor filled gelatin spreads across my plate,colors red,purple,pink and blue. Sour and sweet  brings joy to my taste buds. Rows of sugar ready to be eaten.  They temptation to eat them is huge and strong. Darkness is now what the lollies see.

Gummy Bear Longing.

Gummy Bear Longing.


The gelatin filled traffic light monsters look at me though the jar, watching my every move. Their meaning is to make my mouth water and I can now taste the fruit punch in my dry, tasteless mouth. The bears eyes are open in a squint and their arms are open ready for a bear hug. They are as colorful as shining Xmas lights. There are around 500 of them ganging up on me, try to make me eat them. I pick up one,the biggest one and shove it on  delicate taste buds. The flavors are unbreakable from me. Every bite tastes like a different fruit plum,orange,apple,cranberry,raspberry,blackberry and strawberry. They all look at me for the last time before I devour them all.

The Unlucky Day, A Stop Motion.

Today with Marcella, Paige and me made a stop motion. What happens in it is that a man comes to life and then two dinos comes in. One bite off the mans shoulder and the man runs away. The red Dino runs away and the green Dino drags away his shoulder. In the next scene the man is in hospital and in comes the red Dino and kills the man then takes him to his mate’s and they eat the man . The hardest part was making sure the screen stays in the same spot and the easiest part was making the story.