Underwater Fish Art.

This challenge was designed to help us improve on our Google Drawings skills by giving us time to practice using the drawing tools. We focus on using the line tools to create shapes, such as the fish things (and mermaid. There always has to be a mermaid,always). I found it very, very fun to do because it made you use your imagination. How do you like my mermaid. She does look very grumpy, doesn’t she?

2 thoughts on “Underwater Fish Art.

  1. This is very pretty. You are good at these I like the fish especially the fish with hair and the mermaid does look grumpy. This is amazing. But maybe try adding some corals but still this is amazing.

  2. kia ora Eliza
    I like how you made this all of it out of shapes and a photo .
    If it was me I would add coral and use a gradient for the back ground.
    kua pai te mahi

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