Literacy Writing Prompt.

The explosion was enormous. Julia sees a panicked expression flashing upon Felix’s face. The explosion was not supposed to be that colossal. The sound was deafening. Ancient alarms shrilled in the badly aged bank, roars echoing from downstairs. Julia slaps Felix’s face. ” Don’t gasp like a dumbfound puppy, get a move on” Julia snarls. Felix stumbles into the vault and grabs a bag of cash. Julia rolls her eyes, sprinting towards the fire exit. Her shoulder slams into the sturdy, locked door, the force shattering the glass. Felix violently shoves Julia aside and unlocks the door. They did not have much time left before they were arrested. They sprint down the dark narrow hallway. ” This fire exit would not be so helpful in a fire” Julia cruelly remarks as Felix coughs from the smoke.

Blazing rays of sunlight steam through the escape door as Felix gazes in wonder. “We actually did it” Felix says in amazement; Julia rolls her eyes again. The thundering sirens of the police cars fuelled Julia and Felix to race as fast as they could. They pound down the exit door and fall out onto the curb. ” Get in losers” someone says in a commanding voice, winding down a window in a beaten up SUV. A smile cracks on Julia’s lips. They sprint as fast as a cheetah and tug open the door carefully, making sure the door doesn’t fall off. Felix collapses into the closest seat, blowing his shaggy hair off his face exhausted . ” Hurry up, the Fuzz are catching up!” Julia barks at the drive. ” Who cares” Felix sighs as Julia’s face turns tomato red in fury. ” Well maybe – just shut up!” Julia annoyance. The driver speeds away, shaking his head. ” Wow, we already have a wanted poster” Felix says grinning at his phone.

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