Lisa Blair- Ice Maiden.

Tangaroa was given the opportunity to go to the Art Gallery and watch a documentary called Ice Maiden. It was about an incredible woman named Lisa Blair, the first woman to sail solo around Antarctica in her boat “Climate Action  Now”.  She set out to best Ferdor Konyukhov who finished it in 102 days 1 hour 35 minutes and 50 seconds. ON her second attempt in 2022 she finished it in 95 days.  The documentary captivated my interest from the very start. The documentary made me feel so many emotions and by the end I was crying because of how incredible she is. After it had finished, Lisa and the director came and answered our questions. I told Talei that there was no work to describe how amazing she is.

List Poem- What We Do At School

Today we were learning about the prefixes ‘Inter-‘ and ‘Over-‘. We had to write a short story or poem using three of the words we learnt today. I chose the words oversleep,overstay, overwork and interact and made a list poem about what we do at school.

  • Oversleep
  • Complain
  • Interact
  • Whine
  • Overstay
  • Suffer:
  • Overwork
  • Celebrate when we go home

Literacy Writing Prompt.

The explosion was enormous. Julia sees a panicked expression flashing upon Felix’s face. The explosion was not supposed to be that colossal. The sound was deafening. Ancient alarms shrilled in the badly aged bank, roars echoing from downstairs. Julia slaps Felix’s face. ” Don’t gasp like a dumbfound puppy, get a move on” Julia snarls. Felix stumbles into the vault and grabs a bag of cash. Julia rolls her eyes, sprinting towards the fire exit. Her shoulder slams into the sturdy, locked door, the force shattering the glass. Felix violently shoves Julia aside and unlocks the door. They did not have much time left before they were arrested. They sprint down the dark narrow hallway. ” This fire exit would not be so helpful in a fire” Julia cruelly remarks as Felix coughs from the smoke.

Blazing rays of sunlight steam through the escape door as Felix gazes in wonder. “We actually did it” Felix says in amazement; Julia rolls her eyes again. The thundering sirens of the police cars fuelled Julia and Felix to race as fast as they could. They pound down the exit door and fall out onto the curb. ” Get in losers” someone says in a commanding voice, winding down a window in a beaten up SUV. A smile cracks on Julia’s lips. They sprint as fast as a cheetah and tug open the door carefully, making sure the door doesn’t fall off. Felix collapses into the closest seat, blowing his shaggy hair off his face exhausted . ” Hurry up, the Fuzz are catching up!” Julia barks at the drive. ” Who cares” Felix sighs as Julia’s face turns tomato red in fury. ” Well maybe – just shut up!” Julia annoyance. The driver speeds away, shaking his head. ” Wow, we already have a wanted poster” Felix says grinning at his phone.

Passion Project 10/6/2024

Passion Project 10/6/2024

Topic: Writing

Goal: Today Anika and I are going to write  biographies. I want to work on organising my facts into interesting, detailed paragraphs.

I managed to write some of Anika’s early life with extreme detail. I got down to her earliest memory, when she was born and what she likes to do. I think I met my goal as it was very informative.


For a mahi-a-tahi point I did 30 minutes of Duolingo. I am learning Spanish to connect with other people. I learnt that ” El pan” means the bread, ” Yo bebo, tu bebes, el bebe” means I drink, you drink, he drinks and that ” La mujer bebe agua” means the women drinks water.

Holmium Tile.

As a class project, we have all been assigned an element of the Periodic Table to make a tile for. My element is Holmium. Holmium is the 67th element on the periodic table and is used in magnets and nuclear reactors. On my tile I put two nuclear reactors because Holmium is used in them and the flags of Sweden and Switzerland. I put the two flags on my tile because that is where Holmium is mined.  The reason I chose the colours blue and red for my lettering and background is because those are some of the colours of the Sweden and Switzerland flag.



On Duolingo I am learning Spanish. I am really enjoying it so far. Today I learnt that ” Yo como manzanas” means ” I eat apples”, ” Yo como, tu comes, el come” means  “I eat, you eat, he eats” and that ” La mujer bebe agua” means “The women drinks water”. I would recommend Duolingo to anyone who is interested in learning a new language.


Today for Duolingo I was again learning Spanish. I am learning Spanish so I can connect with more people. I learnt that ” yo soy una mujer” means “I am a woman”, ” mucho gusto” means “nice to meet you” and ” Tu boleto” means “your ticket”. Do you know any Spanish?